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antica cultura - nuova provincia - Storia e Società - tomo I: la storia

45,00 € Ogliastra
ID Code 978-88-8470-236-4
Author/s Giovanni Pitzalis
et al.
By Mediateca Ogliastrina
Illustrator/s Jurgen Jauss
et al.
Publisher Zonza editori
Edition 2008
Pages 160 (illustrated)
Size 24 x 32 cm
Bookbinding Stitched hardback with dust cover
Genre History, biographies, heraldry, archaeology and prehistory
Format Paper
Introduction Piero Coccolone
Release language Italian

The work

Primo tomo del Terzo volume di cinque dell´opera dedicata alla provincia d´Ogliastra in cui si prende in esame la Storia.


45,00 €

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