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I racconti di Nino

in viaggio tra le lettere dal carcere di Antonio Gramsci "ai più piccoli"

8,00 € I racconti di Nino
ID Code 978-88-7356-106-4
Author/s Antoni Arca
Illustrator/s Annalisa Masala
Publisher Condaghes
Edition 2007
Pages 96 (illustrated)
Size 12 x 20 cm
Bookbinding Stitched paperback binding
Series Il Trenino verde
Genre Children’s books
Format Paper
Release language Italian
A ´small´ book for a great man!

The work

Antonio Gramsci was one of the greatest intellectuals of the nineteenth century. The Fascist Government of Italy put him in jail for over ten years. Gramsci never saw his second son and never saw his wife again. He died soon after he was released. This books tries to tell his extraordinary story to young children in a touching and truthful way.

I racconti di Nino

8,00 €

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