Valentina Sanjust Diritti Tiligù di Marcella Saddi e Daniela Zempt | pp. 16 | Children’s books
illustrations by Andrea Fantanauzzo, et al. Chiesa e Monastero di Santa Chiara di Oristano Editrice S´Alvure di Silvio Pulisci | pp. 64 | History, biographies, heraldry, archaeology and prehistory
illustrations by Andrea Fantanauzzo, et al. Agriturismo in Sardegna Zonza editori | pp. 88 | Geography, travel, tourism
illustrations by Andrea Fantanauzzo, et al. Nuraghi e siti archeologici in Sardegna Zonza editori | pp. 88 | History, biographies, heraldry, archaeology and prehistory
illustrations by Andrea Fantanauzzo, et al. Agriturismo in Sardegna Zonza editori | pp. 88 | Geography, travel, tourism
Aldo Casu Sant´Andrea Frius Carlo Delfino editore & C. | pp. 32 | Geography, travel, tourism
Antonello Brunu Martis Carlo Delfino editore & C. | pp. 32 | Geography, travel, tourism
Franca Pintori Oniferi Carlo Delfino editore & C. | pp. 44 | Geography, travel, tourism