Francesco Cesare Casula La storia di Sardegna Carlo Delfino editore & C. | pp. 48 | History, biographies, heraldry, archaeology and prehistory
Barbara Fois Lo stemma dei quattro mori Carlo Delfino editore & C. | pp. 48 | History, biographies, heraldry, archaeology and prehistory
Eugenia Tognotti Americani, comunisti e zanzare EDES, Editrice Democratica Sarda | pp. 84 | History, biographies, heraldry, archaeology and prehistory
illustrations by Andrea Fantanauzzo, et al. Cronaca medioevale sarda Astra Editrice | pp. 1208 | History, biographies, heraldry, archaeology and prehistory
Davide Zedda Breve storia del Cagliari calcio La Riflessione Davide Zedda Editore | pp. 60 | History, biographies, heraldry, archaeology and prehistory