Augusto Mulas, Nicola Castangia Archeoguida Nurnet - Oniferi NOR | pp. 40 | History, biographies, heraldry, archaeology and prehistory
Augusto Mulas, Nicola Castangia ARCHEOGUIDA NURNET - ONIFERI NOR | History, biographies, heraldry, archaeology and prehistory
Gianfranco Murtas Alberto Silicani, il giusto come fine EDES, Editrice Democratica Sarda | pp. 90 | History, biographies, heraldry, archaeology and prehistory
Eugenia Tognotti Breve storia della città di Olbia EDES, Editrice Democratica Sarda | pp. 56 | History, biographies, heraldry, archaeology and prehistory
Augusto Mulas, Marco Sanna In terra come in cielo Condaghes | pp. 94 | History, biographies, heraldry, archaeology and prehistory